Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Marketing Strategy for the Future

One of the biggest challenges Earth Days had was to be able to attract audiences not interested in the environment with a movie trailer that doesn’t tell much about the movie or its content. If the film’s marketing department were to modify anything during production a few points may possibly make the movie more lucrative. One, is to add more shots of the space shuttle in space, and if possible, hire an attractive celebrity to host the movie.

If winning Film Festivals is the main propose, we would definitely try to get as many people as possible to watch the film so we could get more chances to win an audience award—in case the movie is not as good as the others—and finally try to promote the movie online to as many people as possible.

If we were to give an advice to the filmmaker of how to market the film in the future, a few points could be changed. First, we would highly recommend to make a new movie trailer, then do updates to their movie website as well as their IMDB profile, and finally we would urge to promote the film online through Google search and Yahoo search engines.

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